Dissolution of SHIMPO DRIVES, INC.
NIDEC-SHIMPO CORPORATION – Effective August 31, 2013
We will officially dissolve the separate company “SHIMPO DRIVES, INC.” which had been a subsidiary of NIDEC-SHIMPO AMERICA CORPORATION. The business unit was originally structured in that manner for certain operational reasons, which are not applicable as the company became more established. We also want to capitalize on the global NIDEC Group brand, presence, support network and reputation which have become an important part of our growth strategy going forward.
Please note the following;
- All formal documents, reports, invoices, payments, etc. should be addressed to “NIDEC-SHIMPO CORPORATION”. All address and contact information will remain unchanged.
- The Federal Tax ID will change to No. 36-2794492. The Federal Tax ID was previously No. 36-4103897.
All other aspects of your business relationship with the NIDEC-SHIMPO DRIVES business unit will not be affected. Bank accounts, trade references, D&B number, etc. had been those of the parent, NIDEC-SHIMPO AMERICA CORPORATION, therefore those items will remain unchanged.
The change will be seamless and it will have no impact on the service and support that you receive from NIDEC-SHIMPO AMERICA. If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please do not hesitate to contact NIDEC-SHIMPO.